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Water Wells & Wellbore Repair

We have repaired many, many hand pumped water wells in northeastern Uganda.  We take over people from the US (Mexico too) and team up with our friends and coworkers in Uganda.  Peter and James are two Ugandans that have been a huge help in repairing water wells.  They are good friends and always a joy to work with. 

Each well we repair brings water to about 1000 people DAILY.  And those people get that water each and every day!  What a huge blessing!  If you would like to donate the funds for a well repair, we would love to partner with you.  The price for a well repair varies but for $1,500 US, we will make sure it happens!  


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We obtain funds and hire Ugandans to build many types of structures. In addition, we build homes for the poor, latrines, dorms, kitchens for schools, and churches.  You can sponsor a 11 foot x 22 foot brick home for a family for only $1000 US!  That is about $3 a day for a year!  Talk about changing someone’s life!   Look at some of the pictures of what people were living in and then see their new home.  A huge dorm for children is roughly $25,000 US.  Please consider building a structure and changing some lives.

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Feeding People

We buy food for deaf children on a monthly basis.  At other times, we will buy large quantities of food and distribute it to the needy.  At times of famine, food can become scarce and providing food is a huge blessing.  We will buy flour and grain in huge bags (100 kilograms) and distribute it to widows and others in need. You can sponsor feeding a deaf child for just $1 US a day.  Please pray about helping feed a deaf child in Uganda.

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Medical Needs

From time to time, a medical need will arise where the person has no possible way to cover the expense.  We raise the funds and help meet the needs.  We have also helped stock clinics with materials and supplies.  If God has placed medical issues on your heart, we would welcome the opportunity to apply your funds and change someone’s life.

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We love to meet the physical needs of people!  And we also love meeting the spiritual needs of people!  We believe Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that He has made a way for people to come back to God and have an everlasting life. We provide funds and materials for crusades to share and preach the Good News about Jesus.  We have helped with; sound equipment, tents, lights, and other items.  Crusades have touched many, many people with the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

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