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Over 5,000...

Children under age 5 die each year from diarrhea

More than 29,000,000

People lack access to improved sanitation…that’s 8 in every 10 Ugandans

Only 1 in 5...

Ugandans have access to functioning hand washing facilities

Uganda's Water Crisis

Uganda is a landlocked country in the east of Africa. The country has a population of 38 million which is based largely outside of the cities in small-scale rural communities. It is in these communities where we carry out our work. Unfortunately 8 million people in Uganda are living without access to a safe source of drinking water. Whilst Uganda does have more than enough natural freshwater for its population, the problem is that this water is unequally distributed throughout the country and is being increasingly exploited.. By constructing reliable and sustainable bore-wells in the center of small communities, drop4drop is attempting to alleviate this crisis for as many Ugandans as possible. Almost a quarter of people across Uganda do not have access to clean water and over 80% do not have adequate sanitation! Those who live in rural areas are most effected by the lack of available water. Many have to walk miles, several times a day to fetch water for themselves and their families, of which is often dirty, contaminated, and unsafe to use. Using and drinking unsafe water is one of the leading causes of death and disease across Uganda with 4,500 children dying every year due to having no other option but to drink this unsafe water. Uganda’s economy is also heavily agriculture based. Agriculture is heavily reliant on water, making access to it a huge part of Uganda’s lifestyle and improving its economy. Ugandan farms provide the majority of food requirements making water crucial for the people of Uganda to feed themselves. Agriculture also adds 24% to Uganda’s GDP. Uganda’s water crisis is a serious issue! Without clean water the people of Uganda are stuck in a cycle of poverty and unable to live a healthy lifestyle!

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